We pride ourselves on going the extra mile when we work with you. If we make a mistake we'll strive to put it right. But there may be times when you're not happy with our service – this page details the disputes resolution options that are available to you.
As a licensed real estate agency, we are required to follow the Real Estate Authority’s Code of Conduct. These rules set minimum standards of conduct and client care that licensees must meet when carrying out real estate agency work and dealing with clients.
All licensed real estate agents are required to have a written in‐house complaints and dispute resolution procedure. Our procedure is set out below.
Please note you do not have to use our complaints and resolution procedure – you can complain directly to the Real Estate Authority (REA) if you prefer. Even if you choose to use our procedures, you can also make a complaint to the REA.
Unhappy with our service?
Ockham’s in‐house complaints and dispute resolution procedures are intended to be a simple and personalised process for resolving a complaint you might have about the service you’ve received from us.
Contact our Head of Sales, Kate Duncan (on 0800 OCKHAM or email: ). Outline the reasons for your complaint and how you would like to see it resolved.
Kate may ask you to put your complaint in writing to help her in her investigation. She will need a little time to talk to the team members involved, but we undertake to get back to you within 10 working days with a response (which may be in writing). We may also ask that you meet with members of our team to discuss the complaint and try to reach a resolution.
If we are unable to come to an agreed resolution after a meeting, or if you don’t wish to meet with us, then we will provide you with a written proposal to (hopefully) resolve your complaint.
Please let us know in writing within five working days if our proposed resolution is insufficient. You can, of course, suggest another way of resolving your complaint.
If we accept your suggested resolution, we will implement it as soon as possible. If we decline your suggested resolution, we may invite you to mediate the dispute.
If we agree to mediate the complaint but are unable to settle the complaint at mediation, or we do not agree to mediate the dispute, then that is the end of our process at our end.
What then?
If you're unhappy with our process, then please remember you can make a complaint to the REA at any time (and you can also lodge a complaint with the REA as you're endeavouring to resolve the complaint with us).
The Real Estate Authority
c-/ PO Box 25 371
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
P: 0800 367 732
E: [email protected]
New Zealand Residential Property Agency Agreement Guide
New Zealand Residential Property Sale and Purchase Agreements Guide
Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012